Our Story

End Homelessness with Nest mission

A letter from one of Rental Assistance recipients

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작성자nestm 댓글 0건 조회 1,279회 작성일 18-08-06 06:31


Dear Nest Mission,


I am writing you today to let you know how deposit assistance has helped my son and I. I am truly grateful for the help you have provided us. I am 27 years old and I have a 2-year-old son. I was told that I would never be able to bare children and once I became pregnant I saw my baby as a miracle. My pregnancy became really rough and I had to spend 3 months living in the hospital until my son was born. He was 5 weeks and 2 days early due to the circumstances I had to have an emergency C-section. I have struggled with depression and so being a new mother was really hard on me, especially doing it alone. Since having my son Christopher we have struggled to maintain permanent housing.


In March of 2017 we were finally called in to stay at the Pathways for Women shelter, from there they helped us get into transitional housing. I have tried to work but it has been hard to be around people when I am struggling with depression and post-partum depression. I was unhappy but I knew that I had to do something so I decided to further my education. I am currently enrolled in college full time studying Accounting. I am not currently employed while I am attending school, and living off of the state assistance has made it difficult to get ahead with my finances. The Deposit Assistance has helped me to be able to afford to move after already giving my notice, Without it we would have been homeless again. Now I have been able to provide a home for my son and I. I am all moved in to my new housing and though it has been a rough process with a few disappointments along the way, Some things were not as I expected, but we are adjusting and making it feel like home. I appreciate all that you have done for my family. This is a great program and I know it will help so many other families.

Thank you kindly,

from one of Rental Assistance recipients 


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